
i submitted a manuscript about breast ca meta model to ijo the day before yesterday.

the manuscript which i submitted today was accepted. i am very happy!

i submitted the revised manuscript of iva to nmc today. i hope it will be accepted soon.

i've not witten it for a long time. i sent a manscript to a web magazine today. at the beginnging of this month, i submitted another maniscript to nmc. i hope i will get a good reply.

I replied the production request of plosone yesterday and today. moreover, i reviewd a research article yesterday. it was tough work. chie made a new maniscript of iva and i read it. we decided the story of it. so, she is revising it. i am…

plosone accepted our manuscript. thank you!

the status of plosone is "Decision in Process". I can't wait.

the status of plosone is "with editor". i hope the editor decide to accept it without any review by the reviewer#1.

i submitted the revised manuscript of tfrrit to plosone last friday. it is my son's birthday today.

the status of tfrrit is "Under Review" again. why?

the status of 90yantitfr rit manuscript on plosone is "With Editor" today. it is fast! that of aibebrt on or is still "Under review".

our manuscript of a new labeling method was accepted by jlcr yesterday. another of anttfrrit was submitted to plosone.

i received the e-mail our manuscript of aibxray was assigned by ijo.

i submitted revised proof of zrtfrimaging.

i submitted aibxray to ijo.

i submitted mala to can res.

i submitted ahnak to j oncol. it also accepted files with more than 10mb.

i returned in japan from bangkok in thailand.

i submitted ahnak to cs today.

our paper has been cited. thank you!

i submitted 1st revision of cd147pet to plosone.

i submitted the 2nd revised manuscpript about 90yckit rit to plosone.

i submitted the revised manuscript about ckitrit to plosone.

i submitted cd147pet to plasone

i submitted a review to jsmi. it was so hard.

i received a decision letter about ckitrit. it saied major revision. i have to revise our paper as soon as possibile.

editor told me that two took our manuscript for revision today. i would receive the decision in some days. i start to write a new paper about micelle.

i submitted cd147pet to jnm. i asked plosone editor to accelerate review process.

i submitted ckitrit paper to another journal.

ckitrit was submitted.