
i submitted the revised manuscript about ckitrit to plosone.

i submitted cd147pet to plasone

i submitted a review to jsmi. it was so hard.

i received a decision letter about ckitrit. it saied major revision. i have to revise our paper as soon as possibile.

editor told me that two took our manuscript for revision today. i would receive the decision in some days. i start to write a new paper about micelle.

i submitted cd147pet to jnm. i asked plosone editor to accelerate review process.

ELEGIA 2008, primitivo di manduria in italy, was very good. it was a gift from sugyo. http://www.cpvini.it/en/node/151 http://www.wine-searcher.com/find/elegia+primitivo+manduria+red+puglia

i submitted ckitrit paper to another journal.

ckitrit was submitted.

aib article was accepted.