i received a decision letter about ckitrit. it saied major revision. i have to revise our paper as soon as possibile.

editor told me that two took our manuscript for revision today. i would receive the decision in some days. i start to write a new paper about micelle.

i submitted cd147pet to jnm. i asked plosone editor to accelerate review process.

ELEGIA 2008, primitivo di manduria in italy, was very good. it was a gift from sugyo. http://www.cpvini.it/en/node/151 http://www.wine-searcher.com/find/elegia+primitivo+manduria+red+puglia

i submitted ckitrit paper to another journal.

ckitrit was submitted.

aib article was accepted.

we conducted contrast-enhanced ct in b6 mice. the enhancement in b6 mice was better than that in nude mice. a reason is unclear.

the proof of sudo's manuscript was corrected. i updated firefox 3.6 to 7. so far so good. if possible, i want to remove icons on bookmark toolbar.

sudo's manuscript was accepted.

zrpet results are very good. the antibody on the previous pet was not wrong. i am happy.

it is too hot and humid. i am tired already this morning.

fukushima has not been stable yet. many peaple feel uneasy. i wish it will be stable in less than no time. my main pc was changed airmac to macmini. airmac is not suitable to network synchronization.

i changed a usb connection to an air, because macbookair has often induced a network trouble.

radiko is a good servise. i got a radiko gadget. it is useful.

i get started using google site and evernote.

i received a proof of ckit pet paper.

i have not written here for long time. i will try to do at least once a week. i did luc assay for cloning meta cell line with luc2. maybe i get a good line. i did pet in a mouse with tumor and inflammation. i will do with other tracer on t…


i designed pcr primers for cloning of scfv in prsf. it was very difficult.



i seeded 211h cells for bnct uptake test.

it is rainy today.

i reanalized bnct experiments and made almost an annual report. thank you, kikuchisan!

strong wind yesterday was haruichiban. i have plan we will go to gala tumorrow, but it is rainy today.

i sand corrected proof, figure and supplementary materials to genomics. i made the bnct report and abstract for jsgt10. two nunu mice with mm for uct were died. sorry

sudo corrected the proof, but the supplementary table did not. recently, i often say "i am tired". too bad. i do not need to say that.

i made our himac report. it was hard. the kaikei system need to change more simply.

uemura aiko did not get a medal at the vancouver olympics. zan-nen!